Chapter 3.

Wingman Not Required…


After all that frustration with the bank and the key, I needed a release.


I told Kate that I was tired and was going to go to bed, she gave me a sideways glance that told me she completely saw through my lie but she just nodded her head and asked me to walk her home where we said our goodbyes.


From there I walked home, got changed into one of my suits and I made my way to Vinnie’s, a flash nightclub I frequent for certain… needs.


It was a short walk to Vinnie’s, one of the reasons that I liked the place. The other reason was that it was a hotspot for backpackers from overseas and a regular stop-off for tourist buses that cater to the young and free.


Vinnie’s was teeming with gorgeous woman just hanging out for a good time, and I was always there to show them how good it could get.


I breezed through the throng of bodies that were between myself and the bar. Already I’d caught the eye of several girls on the dance floor as I weaved my way through them, I paid them no mind but took a note on who I might approach later, once I had properly surveyed the establishment.

Left to Right: Pierce, Akeem, Royce.

I took a place against a wall next to three friends, even though there was a seat next to them, I only call them friends because we’re here for the same reasons. We’re friendly when we’re scoping the game, but when it comes time to make my move I leave them all in my wake.


“Hey, Danny.” They said in unison. There was tension in their voice, they’d no doubt been hoping that I wouldn’t turn up tonight.

“Guys,” I replied, gesturing for the bartender to pour me my favourite drink.

They were scanning the place like vultures and coming up with all manner of remarks that they were incapable of following up on.


“Out of two, I’d give her one!” I heard Royce boast to us all.


“If they were a beer, I’d tap that!” Akeem claimed, warranting a round of laughter from us all, myself included, that was kind of funny.


Pierce usually sat there quietly, but when he saw a girl that he liked he would childishly call dibs on her, it was kind of his thing. He thought he was being funny but it had turned into a lame and annoying joke.


When their constant chatter and ridiculous bragging stopped dead, I knew that an A-10 stunner had just entered their line of sight. Their chins had hit the floor and at least two of them had started drooling, I followed their gaze and saw a beautiful blonde woman in a skin-tight black dress sauntering towards the bar.


She still had the dance floor to navigate but did so flawlessly, she moved like liquid silk as she dodged the clumsy moves of the drunken dancers around her, smiling at any that made eye contact with her, once she was clear of the maelstrom of bodies her eyes were fixed on mine and I felt my heart speed up, I grabbed the drink that was placed near to me by the bartender, knocked back the smooth, hard shot of Tequila on the rocks and stood up straight.


As I straightened my suit, I looked back to the guys and smiled, this was why I liked to hang out with them in situations like this. They were all talk, but when an A-10 stunner arrives, they’re no better than the rest of the guys in this place.

“See you guys later,” I said and stepped away from the bar and towards perfection. I couldn’t help but overhear the three of them before I was out of earshot and laugh.


“I hate that guy,” Royce said.

“Yeah, me too.” Akeem agreed.

“Dibs,” Pierce muttered.


My attention was now fully on the woman in front of me. Our eyes were locked, and everything around her was a blur, five steps away, I noticed that she had bright blue eyes that could pierce the soul.


Four steps away, a beam of light from the DJ’s booth struck the crystals in her earrings illuminating her face in pearlescent colours.


Three steps away, a dancer stumbled as her heel broke but she fluidly evaded her awkward fall, eyes locked on to mine.


Two steps away, I could smell the sweet fragrance of her perfume. A subtle but pleasant mix of rose, blackberry and… jasmine?


One step away, and I sped up brushing straight past her without even stopping and making my way straight to the dance floor and the group of gorgeous women.


Any moment now…


Works every time.

5 thoughts on “Chapter 3.”

  1. Smooooooth Playa. Also, Pierce calling ‘dibs’ as Danny left was hilarious.
    Love your screenshots and the time you take with each image. The blonde is indeed gorgeous!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Danny’s got the moves alright! 😀 The Bragging Bro’s are unique that’s for sure!

      Glad you’re liking the screenshots, that chapter took ages because of the poses. Would’ve taken days more if I hadn’t decided to just use the same pose for the dancing ladies for each screenshot! 😀 The blonde is my Maxis Fav sim Willow Winters with a CC makeover. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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